SEVI – The Battle Never Ends / DIY, 2016 / CD / rock / Bugarska
Sevi su po drugi puta na web portalu . Sevi je bugarski bend formiran januara 2010. godine. Prvi single, “Can’t Stand the Pain”, izdali su 2011. godine. Ta pjesma ih je učinila poznatima, kako u Bugarskoj, tako i izvan njenih granica. Iste godine izdaju i svoj drugi single, “Limited Edition”. U ljeto 2012 godine, Sevi izdaju svoj prvi album, “What Lies Beyond…”. Sa njega je skinut i treći single, “Victim”. Februara 2013. godine, Sevi su izdali svoj prvi acoustic album i DVD – “The Other Side Of Sevi”. Iste godine izdaju i četvrti single, “Speed Up”. Kako je vrijeme odmicalo, njihova popularnost je sve više i više rasla i sada zasluženo zauzimaju visoko mjesto na muzičkoj sceni Bugarske. Februara 2015. godine, Sevi su obilježili 5 godina svog uspješnog djelovanja. Uključeni su u promotivnu akciju za 50. Gitarijadu Zaječar (2016. godine). Mislim da je organizator time učinio pravu stvar. Sada, maja 2016. godine, Sevi imaju novo izdanje, album “The Battle Never Ends”.
Članovi benda Sevi su: Sevi (Svetlana Bliznakova) – vokali ; Pavlin Ivanov – bubnjevi ; Dessy (Dessislava Markova) – klavijature ; Rally Velinov – bass ; Delian Ketipov – solo gitara.
Na ovom mjestu ću spomenuti i saradnike u pojedinim pjesmama – Lucca Princiotta (gitara, 8) ; Illan Iliev (gitara, 1) ; Ivo Peshev (gitara, 10) ; Peter Bratanov – Pepinio (gitara, 3) ; Bobby Zashev (gitara, 9) ; Plamen Chepanov (gitara, 1).
Već na prvo slušanje, muzika sa ovog albuma ispunila je moja očekivanja – ovako treba da zvuči pravi rock band. Snažno, jasno i beskompromisno. Bezrazlođno bi bilo analizirati pjesmu po pjesmu. Za to nema prijeke potrebe, jer je svaka pjesma tu sa dobrim razlogom i doprinosi ukupnoj kvaliteti cjelokupno prezentovanog materijala. Vokali perfektni, instrumentalna pratnja vrhunska, a aranžmani dobro osmišljeni.
Upitao sam Sevi (Svetlana Bliznakova) – pjevačicu i autoricu muzike i tekstova većine pjesama sa ovog albuma, koje ciljeve su imali radom na ovom albumu – odgovorila je: “Naš novi album govori o bitkama u našem životu. Svi mi hoćemo, maštamo, nadamo se, padamo i pužemo tokom života. Podarili smo naših 11 bitaka i ovim albumom smo htjeli poručiti svim ljudima – nikada nemojte prestati boriti se da ostvarite svoje sne“. Treba li nam ljepše i jasnije poruke!
Sevi su velika bugarska rock atrakcija, a sa ovim albumom će, vjerujem, steći još više pristalica – i to ne samo u Bugarskoj, već i mnogo šire, jer nisu rijetke njihove europske turneje. Ovaj album ima moju stopostotnu preporuku.
This is second time that web portal has story about Sevi. Sevi is Bulgarian band formed in January 2010. The first single, “Can not Stand the Pain”, released in 2011. That song has made them known, both in Bulgaria and outside its borders. In the same year has been released their second single, “Limited Edition”. In the summer of 2012, Sevi released their first album, “What Lies Beyond …”. This album contains and the Sevi’s third single, “Victim”. February 2013, Sevi released their first acoustic album and DVD – “The Other Side Of Sevi”. In the same year they released a fourth single, “Speed Up”. As time went on, their popularity grew more and more and now, deservedly, they holds high place on the music scene of Bulgaria. In February 2015, Sevi marked five years of its successful existance. They are included in the promotional campaign for the 50th Gitarijada Zajecar (2016). I think the organizers did the right thing. Now in May of 2016 we have Sevi’s new release, album “The Battle Never Ends”.
The band members of Sevi are: Sevi (Svetlana Bliznakova) – vocals; Pavlin Ivanov – drums; Dessy (Dessislava Markova) – keyboards; Rally Velinov – bass; Delian Ketipov – solo guitar.
At this point I will mention and associates in some songs – Lucca Princiotta (guitar, 8) ; Illan Iliev (guitar, 1) ; Ivo Peshev (guitar, 10) ; Peter Bratanov – Pepinio (guitar, 3) ; Bobby Zashev (guitar, 9) ; Flame Chepanov (guitar, 1).
Already on the first listening, the music on this album has met my expectations – this way should sound real rock band – with strong, clear and uncompromising sound. No reason for analyzing the song after song. There is no pressing need, because every song here is for a good reason and contributes to the quality of the overall presented material. Vocals perfect, instrumental accompaniment top, a well-designed arrangements.
Asked Sevi /Svetlana Bliznakova) – singer and author of majority of music and lyrics on this album, to explain – which goals did they have working on this album – the answer was: “Our new album speaks about the battles in our lives. We all want, dream, hope, fall and crawl in our lives. We have shared our 11 battles in the new album and we wanted to tell to the people – never stop fighting for their dreams come true.” Do we need nicer and clearer message!
Sevi are big Bulgarian rock attraction. With this album, I believe, they are going to extend list of their fans – not only in Bulgaria – much wider, given that their European tours are not so rare. Recommendation for this album – 100%.
Sevi – “The Battle Never Ends” – 1. Don’t Hesitate ; 2. Screw You, Honey ; 3. One Time Thing ; 4. Bitter Of Taste ; 5. Crazy ; 6. Supernatural ; 7. Goodbye ; 8. Destiny ; 9. On My Own ; 10. Not A Crime ; 11. The Battle Never Ends
Related link: / /
YouTube – Sevi – On My Own
YouTube – Sevi – Don’t Hesitate

Dragutin Matošević
Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina