DAVE ARCARI & The Hellsinki Hellraisers – Whiskey in my blood / Blue North (Finland) – Buzz Records , 2013 / CD, Vynil, Digital / rockabilly, acoustic, alt. blues, country / UK
Dave Arcari je singer-songwrite i slide gitarista iz Glazgowa, UK. Njegov audio znak prepoznavanja je reski zvuk njegove National steel gitare. Naravno, Dave Arcari svira i neke druge instrumente, banjo na primjer. Dave, također, ima i jak, karakterističan glas.
Album koji je predmetom ove recenzije ima dosta dodirnih tačaka sa Finskom – sniman je u finskim studijima, izdavač je iz Finske, a i ekipa koja ga prati – The Hellsinki Hellraisers – su Finci – radi se o dva muzičara: Juuso Haapasalo (upright & electric bass) i Honey Aaltonen (snare drum, cymbal, rub-board). Muzika je mješavina rockabilly, acoustic, alternative blues, country stilova.
Svoju muziku, David Arcari je predstavio na osam solo CD izdanja: “Come With Me” (May 2007); “Got Me Electric” (Jan 2009); “Devil’s Deal” (single – Sep 2010); “Devil’s Left Hand” (Nov 2010); “Plastic Jesus” (Apr 2011); “Whisky in my Blood” (Jul 2013).
Album, “Whisky in my Blood”, broji 14 kompozicija – 11 njih potpisuje, Dave Arcari, a 3 su obrade – “Jitterbug Swing” (Bukka Whitea) i “Walkin’ Blues” + “Preachin’ Blues” (Robert Johnsona). Kompozicije su uravnoteženog stila i zvuka tako da se ne može prepoznati koje je uradio Dave, a koje su obrade.
Dave Arcari se na ovom albumu, kao i na svim prethodnim, daje se 100% – bez kalkulisanja. On svaku svoju pjesmu donosi kao da je pred auditorijem nekog velikog festivala ili na nekom od mnogobrojnih koncerata kojih drži širom svijeta. Ritam njegovih pjesama varira – od sporog (blues), do veoma brzog (rockabilly). One, naprosto, zovu na ples. Vi odmah, slušajući njegove pjesme, osjetite tu iskrenost u njegovoj interpretaciji. Njegove pjesme su pune emocija – uz njih tugujete, plačete, ali se i smijete.
Tako, valjda, i mora biti – kada vam je viski u krvi.
Dave Arcari is singer-songwrite and slide guitarist from Glasgow, UK. His audio character recognition is shrill sound of his National steel guitar. Of course, Dave Arcari plays and some other instruments, banjo, for example. Dave also has a strong, distinctive voice.
An album that is the subject of this review, there is a lot in common with Finland – was recorded in the Finnish studies, the publisher is from Finland, and the team that accompanied him – The Hellsinki Hellraisers – are the Finns – we are talking here about two musicians: Juuso Haapasalo (upright & electric bass) and Honey Aaltonen (snare drum, cymbal, edge-board). The music is a mix of rockabilly, acoustic, alternative, blues, country styles.
His music, David Arcari presented on eight solo CD releases: “Come With Me” (May 2007); “Got Me Electric” (Jan 2009); “Devil’s Deal” (single – Sep 2010); “Devil’s Right Hand” (Nov 2010); “Plastic Jesus” (May 2011); “Whiskey In My Blood” (May 2013).
The album, “Whiskey In My Blood”, includes 14 compositions – 11 of them signed by Dave Arcari, and 3 are covers – “Jitterbug Swing” (Bukka White) and “Walkin ‘Blues” + “Preachin ‘Blues” (Robert Johnson). The compositions are balanced style and sound so that it can not be recognized the songs which did Dave, which are covers.
Dave Arcari on this album, as well as on all priors, gives 100% – without any calculations. Each song he brings as that he is in front of the audience a large festival or at one of the numerous concerts which he holds worldwide. The rhythm of his songs varies – from slow (blues), to very fast (Rockabilly). They simply call to dance. You immediately recognize, listening to his songs, that feeling of the sincerity in his interpretation. His songs are full of emotions – with them you will mourning, weeping, but also be happy.
So, I guess, and must be – when you have whiskey in the blood.
Dave Arcari & The Hellsinki Hellraisers – “Whisky in my Blood” – 1. Whisky in my Blood / 2. Cherry Wine / 3. Tell Me, Baby / 4. Travelling Riverside Blues / 5. Rough Justice / 6. Day Job / 7. Still Friends / 8. Wherever I Go / 9. See Me Laughing / 10. Jitterbug Swing / 11. Third Time Lucky / 12. Heat is Rising / 13. Preachin’ Blues / 14. Get Outta My Way
davearcari.bandcamp.com / davearcari.com
YouTube – Dave Arcari – Whisky in my Blood (Live at The Cluny, Newcastle)
YouTube – Dave Arcari – Still Friends
YouTube – Dave Arcari – Homesick & Blue

Recenzija / Review:
Dragutin Matošević
II Tuzlanske brigade 15
75000 Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina