THREESTYLE feat. Magdalena Chovancova – Smooth Ride / Welovemusic Records, 2017 / CD / smooth jazz / Czech Republic, Germany
Magdalena Chovancova rođena je u gradu Ostrava, Češka Republika. Sa šest godina počinje da svira klavir. Kasnije je naučila da svira saksofon i flautu. Još kao tinejdžerka, dobila je nekoliko državnih muzičkih nagrada, počela je sa snimanjima i turnejama sa drugim muzičarima i bendovima. Poslije studiranja u Pragu, seli se u Njemačku gdje je oformila Threestyle bend, zajedno sa – Robert Fertl (gitara, bass, truba) i sa svojom sestrom, blizankom, Gabriela Chovancova (bubnjevi, vibrafon).
Robert Fertl je rođen u Bavarskoj, Njemačka. Sa šest godina počinje svirati gitaru. Kasnije je naučio da svira trubu. Tokom studiranja u Minhenu, Robert je imao znatan napredak pobijedivši na National Guitar Competition, nastupivši sa svojim kompozicijama, kao i osvojivši prvo mjesto na National Jazz takmičenju u Berlinu. Svoj prvi LP vinil, Robert je snimio u starosti od osamnaest godina, zajedno sa svojim dugogodišnjim učiteljem i mentorom, Richard Klimeckom. Po završetku studija u Njemačkoj, seli se (1998.) za Los Angeles, gdje studira sviranje jazz gitare na Musicians Institute, Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA.
Treći član, Gabriela Chovancova, studirala je sviranje bubnjeva i vibrafona, za što je i zadužena da svira u formaciji zvanoj Threestyle.
Threestyle su fokusirani na sviranje vlastitih kompozicija i to na razne načine – kao smooth jazz, fusion, Latino, soul, funk… Izdali su pet solo albuma, više od 400 single izdanja, a njihov zadnji single, “Road to Monterey“, proveo je četiri sedmice na prvom mjestu American Groove jazz music top liste i 12 mjeseci na Billboard top listi.
Threestyle su sarađivali sa mnogim muzičarima, uključujući Chris de Burgh, Chris Norman, Brosis, Raid Said Fred, Paul Brown, Gail Johnson (Jazz in Pink), Katja Rieckermann (Rod Stewart), Mack (Queen, ELO, Rolling Stones), Nils, Jimmy Haslip (Joe Cocker, Yellowjackets), James L. Manning, Latonya Black, Lew Laing, Chris Troy, Marcus Anderson, Roberto Vally, Matt Marshak i ostalima. Imali su turneje u više od 60 zemalja širom svijeta, od U.S.A. (Palm Springs, Las Vegas, LA-Hollywood) do Južne Afrike (Shiraz Jazz Festival, China Expo), Indonezije, Brazila, Australije do Kariba i širom Europe.
Za Magdalenu Chovancovu čuo sam radeći recenziju albuma “Bucket List“, koji potpisuje Igor Geržina. Igor i Magdalena imali su saradnju u kompoziciji “Eastern Magic“. U kontaktu sa Magdalenom, saznao sam malo više o njenoj muzičkoj karijeri, čuo za njen bend Threestyle, dobio informaciju da uskoro izdaju album, “Smooth Ride“, malo ga sačekao i evo ga.
Album, “Smooth Ride“, snimili su kao jazz duet – Magdalena Chovancova (saksofon, flauta, klavijature) i Robert Fertl (gitara) – uz učešće mnogih gostujućih muzičara – Latonya Black Gilliard (vokal) ; Jimmy Haslip (bass gitarista, svirao za Yellowjackets, Joe Cocker, Cher…) ; Lew Laing (klavijature) ; Roberto Valley (bass gitara, svirao za George Bensona, Randy Crawforda) ; James Manning (bass gitara, svirao za Billy Prestona, Chaka Khan) ; Chris Troy (klavijature) i još mnogi drugi. Album sadrži 12 instrumentalnih kompozicija u smooth jazz stilu od kojih dvije (6. “Lets Stay Together” i 11. “Like Butta Baby“) imaju vokalnu izvedbu.
Saksofon ima značajnu ulogu u zvuku pop, rock i jazz muzike. Mnoge kompozicije je svojim unikatnim zvukom upravo saksofon učinio nezaboravnima – Gerry Rafferty – “Baker Street” – na primjer. Lično sam ponosan da su i neke od mojih kompozicija snimljene sa tim instrumentom – Dragutin Matošević feat. Esad Prcić – “Život moj” – na primjer.
Magdalena Chovancova svira saksofon na način da bi je na svojim snimcima mogao poželjeti svaki muzičar. Lijep ton, sigurna tehnika sviranja, izražena osjećajnost, odličan osjećaj za ritam, dinamiku i improvizaciju. Sve to skupa, objedinila je u kompozicijama sa albuma “Smooth Ride“. Da sam u pravu, dokaz je uspjeh i primjećenost tog albuma na najzahtijevnijem svjetskom smoot jazz tržištu – u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Pametnom – dosta.
Magdalena Chovancova was born in Ostrava, Czech Republic. She began to play the piano at the age of 6. Later on she learned to play the saxophone and flute. Still in her teens, she won several national music competitions and began recording and touring together with other musicians and bands. After her studies in Prague, she moved to Germany where she founded the Threestyle band together with Robert Fertl (guitar, bass, trumpet) and her twin sister, Gabriela Chovancova (drums, vibraphone).
Robert Fertl was born in Bavaria-Germany. He began playing the guitar at the age of 6. Later on, he learned to play the trumpet. While studying in Munich, Robert made rapid progress, winning National Guitar Competition with his own compositions, as well as First Place in the National Jazz Competition in Berlin. Robert record his first vinyl LP with the age of 18 years, together with his longtime teacher and mentor, Richard Klimeck. After his studies in Germany he moved to Los Angeles (1989) to study the jazz guitar at the Musicians Institute, Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. During that period he played with several Los Angeles local bands and musicians.
Third member, Gabriela Chovancova, studied drums and vibraphone, and she is in charge to play it for the Threestyle formation.
Magdalena and the Threestyle are focusing on their own compositions in various styles including smooth jazz, fusion, Latino, soul, funk. They have released 5 solo albums, over 400 single releases and their latest single spent 4 weeks at number one on the American Groove jazz music charts and 12 month on Billboard.
The band has collaborated with many musicians, including Chris de Burgh, Chris Norman, Brosis, Raid Said Fred, Paul Brown, Gail Johnson (Jazz in Pink), Katja Rieckermann (Rod Stewart), Mack (Queen, ELO, Rolling Stones), Nils, Jimmy Haslip (Joe Cocker, Yellowjackets), James L. Manning, Latonya Black, Lew Laing, Chris Troy, Marcus Anderson, Roberto Vally, Matt Marshak and more. They have toured in over than 60 countries worldwide, from the U.S.A. (Palm Springs, Las Vegas, LA-Hollywood) to South Africa (Shiraz Jazz Festival, China Expo), Indonesia, Brasil, Australia to the Caribbean and throughout Europe.
For Magdalena Chovancova did hear doing the review of album, “Bucket List“, signed by Igor Geržina. Igor and Magdalena had the cooperation on one composition, “Eastern Magic“. In contact with Magdalena I learned a little more about her music career, heard for existance of her jazz band, Threestyle, was informed that soon is going to be released new album, “Smooth Ride“. Waited a little bit for it and here it is.
Album, “Smooth Ride“, has been recorded as jazz duet – Magdalena Chovancova (saxophone, faute, keys) and Robert Fertl (guitar) – with collaboration of many guest musicians – Latonya Black Gilliard (vocals) ; Jimmy Haslip (bass guitar, played for Yellowjackets, Joe Cocker, Cher…) ; Lew Laing (keys) ; Roberto Valley (bass guitar, played for George Benson, Randy Crawford) ; James Manning (bass guitar, played for Billy Preston, Chaka Khan) ; Chris Troy (keys) and many others. Album consists of 12 smooth jazz style compositions, out of which, two (6. “Lets Stay Together” and 11. “Like Butta Baby“) are in vocal versions.
Saxophone plays a significant role in the sound of pop, rock and jazz music. The unique and unforgettable sound for many compositions was made by that instrument – Gerry Rafferty – “Baker Street” – for example. I am personally also proud to have some of my compositions recorded with this instrument – Dragutin Matosevic feat. Esad Prcic – “Zivot moj” – for example.
Magdalena Chovancova is playing the saxophone in a way that her recording collaborations would wish each musician. Nice tone, safe playing techniques, expressed sensitivity, a great sense of dynamics, rhythm and improvisation… All of this together, Magdalena unified in the compositions from the album, “Smooth Ride“. Evidence that I am telling the truth, lies in big success and recognition that this album achieved on the most demanding world smooth jazz market – in the United States of America. To the clever – enough.
Discography – Magdalena Chovancova – Moving Up Quickly (2012) ; Threestyle (feat. Magdalena Chovancova) – Get It (2014) ; Threestyle (feat. Katja Rieckermann) – Funky Lights (maxi single, 2014) ; Threestyle (feat. Magdalena Chovancova) – Just for Fun (2014) ; Threestyle (feat. Magdalena Chovancova) – Thank God It’s Christmas (single, 2015) ; Threestyle – A Little Longer (single, 2016) ; Threestyle – Smooth N Chill (2016) ; Threestyle (feat. Rolanda) – Salta Brinca (single, 2016) ; Threestyle – Road to Monterey (single, 2017) ; Threestyle (feat. Magdalena Chovancova) – Smooth Ride (2017)
Threestyle feat. Magdalena Chovancova – “Smooth Ride” – 1. A Little Longer ; 2. Road to Monterey ; 3. Like Butta Baby ; 4. Days Gone By ; 5. Cascais Breeze ; 6. Let’s Stay Together ; 7. Love for a Reason ; 8. Back in da House ; 9. Nice to Be Here ; 10. Smooth Ride ; 11. Like Butta Baby (Vocal Version) ; 12. A Little Longer (Radio Edit) / / /
YouTube – Threestyle feat. Magdalena Chovancova – A Little Longer
Threestyle Feat. Magdalena Chovancova – Road To Monterey

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Dragutin Matošević
Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
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