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    SEVI – What Lies Beyond…

    SEVI – What Lies Beyond…

    SEVI – What Lies Beyond… / DIY, 2012 / CD / rock / Bugarska

    Zamolio sam poznatog bugarskog novinara, urednika nekoliko radijskih i TV muzičkih emisija, Vaska Gromkova, da mi za upoznavanje predloži neki dobar bugarski rock bend – bez razmišljanja mi je rekao tri imena – jedno od njih je bend imena Sevi… Stupio sam u kontakt sa njima i ubrzo – na raspolaganju sam imao dva CD-a sa njihovom muzikom – album “What Lies Beyond…” i single “On My Own”.

    Sevi je bugarski bend formiran januara 2010. godine. Prvi single, “Can’t Stand the Pain”, izdali su 2011. godine. Ta pjesma ih je učinila poznatima, kako u Bugarskoj, tako i izvan njenih granica. Iste godine izdaju i svoj drugi single, “Limited Edition”. U ljeto 2012 godine, Sevi izdaju svoj prvi album, “What Lies Beyond…”. Sa njega je skinut i treći single, “Victim”. Februara 2013. godine, Sevi su izdali prvi acoustic album i DVD – “The Other Side Of Sevi”. Iste godine izdaju i četvrti single, “Speed Up”. Kako je vrijeme odmicalo, njihova popularnost je sve više i više rasla i sada zasluženo zauzimaju visoko mjesto na muzičkoj sceni Bugarske.

    Članovi benda Sevi su: Sevi (Svetlana Bliznakova) – vokali ; Pavlin Ivanov – bubnjevi ; Dessy Markova – klavijature ; Rally Velinov – bass ; Ilian Iliev – solo gitara.

    Album, “What LIes Beyond…”, datumski je stariji, ali je muzika još uvijek svježa. Sadrži 11 kompozicija, a uključuje i sva četiri naprijed pomenuta single izdanja benda. Pjesme su pjevane na engleskom jeziku. Svetlana Sevi Bliznakova ima moćan rock vokal. Ona njime u znatnoj mjeri daje boju i prepoznatljivost cijelom bendu. Sevi sve rade odlično – i muziku, i aranžmane, i interpretaciju… Ne čudi da su rado viđeni i slušani i van granica svoje zemlje. Ne eksperimentišu, sve rade do tančina precizno i sa jasnim ciljom – svidjeti se publici. Naravno, pri tome njihova muzika nije banalna. Što više, zvuče kao neki dobar rock bend iz Amerike ili Engleske.

    Bili su u muzičkom programu Gitarijade Zaječar, 2014. godine. Nastupili su ispred Riblje čorbe. Nažalost, zakasnio sam samo pola sata kako bih i ja uživao u njihovom nastupu. Nadam se, bit će, ubuduće,  za to neka nova prilika.

    Februara 2015. godine, Sevi su obilježili 5 godina svog uspješnog djelovanja. Uključeni su u promotivnu akciju za 50. Gitarijadu Zaječar (2016. godine). Mislim da je organizator time učinio pravu stvar. Sevi imaju moju preporuku za poslušati ih. Za početak poslušajte ih u pjesmi, “On My Own”, njihovom novom single izdanju.

    Sevi - CD

    I asked the famous Bulgarian journalist, editor of several radio and TV music shows, Vasko Gromkov, that he proposes for introduction some good Bulgarian rock bands – without a lot of thinking he said three names – one of them was a band named Sevi … I got in contact with them and soon – I had two CDs with their music – the album “What Lies Beyond …” and the single “On My Own “.

    Sevi is Bulgarian band  formed in January 2010. The first single, “Can not Stand the Pain”, released in 2011. That song has made them known, both in Bulgaria and outside its borders. In the same year has been released their second single, “Limited Edition”. In the summer of 2012, Sevi released their first album, “What Lies Beyond …”. This album contains and the Sevi’s third single, “Victim”. February 2013. year, Sevi released their first acoustic album and DVD – “The Other Side Of Sevi”. In the same year they released a fourth single, “Speed ​​Up”. As time went on, their popularity grew more and more and now, deservedly, they holds high place on the music scene of Bulgaria.

    The band members of Sevi are: Sevi (Svetlana Bliznakova) – vocals; Pavlin Ivanov – drums; Dessy Markova – keyboards; Rally Velinov – bass; Ilian Iliev – solo guitar.

    Album “What Lies Beyond …”, has older date of release, but the music is still fresh. It contains 11 compositions and includes all 4 forwards mentioned single releases. The songs are sung in English. Svetlana Sevi Bliznaka has a beautiful and powerful rock vocal. Significantly, she makes recognition and benefits for the band. Sevi all work great – the music, the arrangements, and interpretation … It is not surprisingly that they are readily seen and listened beyond the borders of his own country. They do not make experiments, they do everything to the last detail accurately and with a clear goal – to please the audience. Naturally, their music is not banal. What’s more, they sound like any good rock band from America or England.

    They were in the music program of Gitarijada Zajecar 2014. They performed in front of the Riblja čorba. Unfortunately, I was late half an hour so that I missed to enjoy in their show. Hopefully, in the future, it will be new opportunity for that.

    In February 2015, Sevi marked five years of its successful existance. They are included in the promotional campaign for the 50th Gitarijada Zajecar (2016). I think the organizers did the right thing. Sevi have my recommendation to listen to them. For starters listen to them in a song, “On My Own”, their new single release.

    Sevi – “What Lies Beyond…” – 1. Fairy ; 2. Can’t Stand the Pain ; 3. Limited Edition ; 4. Hot ; 5. Run Away ; 6. Speed Up ; 7. Pleased to Meet You ; 8. If I’m Made for Lovin’ You ; 9. Victim ; 10. The Love We Shared Tonight ; 11. Into You

    seviband.com / www.facebook.com/bandSEVI / www.cdbaby.com/cd/sevi

    YouTube – Sevi – On My Own

    YouTube – Sevi – Limited Edition

    Dragutin Matošević
    II Tuzlanske brigade 15
    75000 Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina