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    ANTON GRČAR – Trobenta

    ANTON GRČAR – Trobenta

    ANTON GRČAR – Trobenta / ZKP RTV SLO, 1978, 2017 / LP, CD / klasika / Slovenija

    Ob visokem jubileju uglednega slovenskega solista na trobenti in profesorja Antona Grčarja. Ponatis vinilne plošče iz leta 1978.

    Podobno kot pri drugih pihalih in trobilih, pri katerih so se v šestdesetih in sedemdesetih letih pojavili nekateri vrhunski poustvarjalci, zadnjih deset in nekaj let daje ton in raven igranju na trobento – v Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji – koncertant Anton Grčar: virtuozna tehnika mu je skupaj s prirojenimi muzikalnimi dispozicijami že zgodaj odprla mesto solista v Simfoničnem orkestru Slovenske filharmonije, mesto akademskega učitelja na Akademiji za glasbo, ga obdarila s priznanji in ga poustvarjalno vzpodbudila tudi na enem najtežjih komornih področij, tako da je pred leti ustanovil Trobilni kvintet Slovenske filharmonije.

    Čeprav je bila trobenta v baroku zelo cenjen instrument, je v primerjavi z godali in pihali iz tega časa razmeroma malo ohranjenih koncertov za trobento. Vzroki so vsaj dvojni. Na eni strani je bila trobenta vezana na stanovsko pripadnost in zato dolgo časa privilegiran instrument trobentačev, ki so bili v službi deželnega kneza. Na drugi strani pa takrat še ni imela ventilov, ki so šele omogočili kromatično igro tudi v spodnjih oktavah.

    Tako gre pri Tartinijevem Koncertu v D-duru – katere večkratna vzorna izvedba doma in v tujini je Grčarju letos prinesla nagrado Prešernovega sklada (1978) – najverjetneje za rekonstruirano transkripcijo. Kljub temu lahko že v tej skladbi občudujemo mojstrsko obvladovanje izvajalskih odtenkov, ki izhajajo iz značilnega oblikovnega sosledja stavkov: trodelnega Allegra, spevnega srednjega stavka in mično razigranega rondoja.

    Haydnov Koncert v Es-duru, obenem sploh zadnji skladateljev koncert (1796, Hob. VII e:1), odseva vse pridobitve, ki so bile posledica že omenjenih izboljšav dunajskega dvornega trobentača Antona Weidingerja. Trobenta je naenkrat postala orkestru enakovreden partner, zlasti v obeh mejnih stavkih: bleščeče virtuozna v Allegru in prešerno navdušujoča v zaključnem finalu.

    Francoski skladatelj Henri Tomasi je med svojimi številnimi mikavnimi koncerti enega posvetil tudi trobenti (1948). Že začetni Allegro se giblje nekje med Debussyjem in Gershwinom, da bi se v Nokturnu povzpel do zvočne sočnosti kakega musicala in do razgibanega, velemestnega vrvenja v Finalu. Lahko bi to bil “Francoz v Parizu“, s trobento seveda!

    Igriva skercoznost, v veliko bolj sodobnem in povrhu še aleatoričnem jeziku pa je prisotna v Iva Petrića Burelesque pour les temps passés (1969), ki zaključuje portret poustvarjalnih zmožnosti trobentača Antona Grčarja. (Andrej Rijavec, 1978)


    The release celebrates the high jubilee of the acclaimed trumpet player and professor Anton Grčar. The CD release of the vinyl record from 1978.

    Similarly to other wind and brass instruments, where in the sixties and seventies a number of top performers have appeared, in the last decade or so the standard of trumpet playing, in Slovenia and elsewhere in Yugoslavia, has been set by the soloist Anton Grčar: inherited musical dispositions, enriched by a virtuoso technique, have at an early date enabled him to become first trumpeter of the Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra and to acquire a teaching post at the Music Academy; he was thus greeted with recognitions and subsequently encouraged – in one of the most tricky field of
    chamber performing – to found the Slovene Philharmonic Brass Quintet a few years ago.

    In the Baroque era the trumpet was a highly esteemed instrument. However, in comparison with string and wind instruments only a relatively small number of concertos for trumpet have survived. The reasons are at least twofold. On the one hand, the trumpet was a domain of the trumpeters’ guilds which rendered their services to the sovereign. On the other, at that time they still lacked the valves which were later on to enable chromatic playing also in the lower octaves.

    Tartini’s Concerto in D major, the numerous performances of which – at home and abroad – have won Grčar the Prešern Foundation Prize this year (1978), is thus most likely a reconstructed transcription. In spite of that one can already admire the mastery of performed nuances that proceed from the typical sequence of movements: the tripartite Allegro, the melodious Andante and the charmingly brisk rondo.

    Haydn’s Concerto in E flat major, at the same time the composer’s very last concerto (1976, Hob. VII e:1), reflects all the performing advantages due to the just mentioned improvements made by the Vienna court trumpeter Anton Weidinger. The trumpet became so the orchestra’s equal, especially in the two outer movements: masterly brilliant in the Allegro and enthusiastically gay in the concluding finale.

    The French composer Henri Tomasi dedicated one of his many attractive concertos to the trumpet (1948). The commencing Allegro floats somewhere between Debussy and Gershwin only to ascend the succulent sound of a musical in the Nocturne and the agitated city bustle of the Finale. It could be a kind of “A Frenchman in Paris“, with a trumpet, of course!

    Scherzo-like playfulness in a much more contemporary and at the same time aleatoric language is present in Ivo Petrić’s Burlesque pour les temps passés (1969), which rounds off the portrait of Anton Grčar‘s performing abilities.  (Andrej Rijavec, 1978)

    Discography – Tone Grčar – Zlatni zvuci trube (Jazz, Pop, Jugoton, 1977) ; Anton Grčar – Trobenta (LP, ZKP RTV SLO, 1978) ; Anton Grčar – Trobenta (CD, ZKP RTV SLO, 2017)


    GIUSEPPE TARTINI – Koncert za trobento in orkester v D duru / Allegro, Andante, Allegro grazioso / SIMFONIČNI ORKESTER SLOVENSKE FILHARMONIJE, dirigent RALF WEIKERT, posnetek – 1977

    JOSEPH HAYDN – Koncert za trobento in orkester v Es duru (Hob. VII e:1) / Allegro, Andante cantabile, Finale – Allegro / SIMFONIČNI ORKESTER RTV SLOVENIJA, dirigent SAMO HUBAD, posnetek – 1975

    HENRI TOMASI – Koncert za trobento in orkester / Allegro, Nocturno – Andantino, Finale – Giocoso – Allegro / SIMFONIČNI ORKESTER RTV SLOVENIJA, dirigent SAMO HUBAD – posnetek – 1973

    IVO PETRIĆ – Burlesque pour les temps passés / SIMFONIČNI ORKESTER RTV SLOVENIJA, dirigent SAMO HUBAD, posnetek – 1970

    https://zkpprodaja.si21.com/en/Resna_glasba/ANTON_GRCAR-TROBENTA /