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    WHOLE LOTTA LED – In The House Of The Holy

    WHOLE LOTTA LED – In The House Of The Holy

    WHOLE LOTTA LED – In The House Of The Holy / Self-released, 2016 / CD / rock and roll / UK

    Whole Lotta Led su Led Zeppelin tribute bend sa najduljiim (i s punim radnim vremenom ispunjenim) stažom u profesionalnom odavanju počasti bendu Led Zeppelin. Tokom 2012. Whole Lotta Led su imali značajne promjene u njihovoj postavi i od 2013. idu sa jačom i jačom snagom i uobičajena su dva i pol sata koncernog programa za koji primaju univerzalne pohvale od navijača benda Led Zeppelin, uzduž i poprijeko Velike Britanije.

    Whole Lotta Led su izbjegli korištenjem perika i maski, umjesto toga oni se fokusiraju na muziku i ova nova peteročlana postava kreira zvuk Led Zeppelina istovjetan onome sa njihovih izvornih studijskih albuma do začuđujućeg nivoa tačnosti. Whole Lotta Led pronose slavu nevjerojatne muzike koju su Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones i John Bonham stvorili tokom svoje bogate karijere.

    Svih pet članova Whole Lotta Led živjelo je u euforičnim trenucima Led Zeppelina (kada su 1970. imali svoj zenit) i svi su svjedoci Led Zeppelina uživo, osim Martina koji je unatoč dobivanju ulaznice da ih vidim na Earl Courtu, 1975. godine, nije mog0oa ići jer mu njegova majka to nije dopustila – tada je on imao samo trinaest godina! Od formiranja, od 1996. godine, Whole Lotta Led su neprestano pronosili počasti bendu Led Zeppelin sa više od 1300 koncerata – “Stairway to Heaven” izveli su više puta nego je to učinio bilo koji drugi bend na svijetu – uključujući i Led Zeppeline.

    Whole Lotta Led su uveli koncept izvođenja kompletnih album Led Zeppelina uživo, kada su 2001. godine, na turneji po Velikoj Britaniji, slavili 30. godišnjicu izdavanja četvrtog albuma Led Zeppelina. Tokom osamnaest godina svoje karijere, Whole Lotta Led su također izveli pjesme sa albuma “Led Zeppelin I“, “Led Zeppelin II” i “Houses of the Holy“, u cijelosti. Od tada brojni drugi bendovi slijede ovaj format.

    Whole Lotta Led su također prvi tribute akt koji je reproducirao neke od Led Zeppelin legendarnih live nastupa, kada su 2001. godine izveli “Bath festival” set, a 2003. godine su odsvirali istovjetan program kao na “Earl Courtu“, a 2005. su ponovili posljednji nastup Led Zeppelina u Engleskoj, s “Knebwortha“, izveli su live CD “How The West Was Won“, 2006. godine, a na kraju, 2008. godine su kompletno izveli program sa “O2 Reunion show” turneje iz 2007. godine.

    Svaki član ima ranijeg iskustva nastupajući u brojnim bendova različitih stilova tokom prethodnih godina i svirao je i snimao sa mnogim poznatim imenima u muzičkom svijetu, ali sada su se udružili za izvođenje neke od najvećih muzičkih djela ikada napisanih, sa strašću i entuzijazmom koji je nitko drugi nije ponovio.

    Bend je također bio aktivan u prikupljanju sredstava za ABC Trust, humanitarni fond koji je osnovala supruga Jimmy Pagea kako bi se pomoglo djeci Brazila, što je na kraju dovelo do susreta članova benda Whole Lotta Led sa legendarnim gitaristom Led Zeppelina, Jimmy Pageom, koji im je dao svoj blagoslov za sve što rade i zaželio im sve najbolje.

    Imao sam priliku i čast sresti se sa muzikom benda Whole Lotta Led još 2005. godine, kada su mi dostavili svoja dva albuma u cilju da budu predstavljena u mojoj radijskoj emisiji Jeans generacija (Radio Tuzla + Internet, od 2004. do 2008. godine). U to vrijeme sam često emitovao muziku raznih svjetskih tribute bendova, ali su Whole Lotta Led odmah ostavili nezaboravan utisak na mene.

    Radi se o profesionalcima visokog nivoa, kako sviračkog, tako i umjetničkog. Kako su sami naveli u svojoj biografiji – nisu se bavili pokrajnim efektima – perike, kostimi… – svu pažnju i znanje usredsredili su na muziku i njeno izvođenje doveli su to do krajnjih granica.

    Nedavno sam ih se sjetio, potražio njihov Facebook profil i obradovao se informacijom da još uvijek djeluju. U komunikaciji su mi kazali da imaju novo izdanje koje su mi odmah i dostavili (tako to rade profesionalci).

    Ako je cilj svakog tribute banda što više zvučati kao njihovi uzori – onda su Whole Lotta Led u tome 100% uspjeli. Svih 11 kompozicija sa albuma “In The House Of The Holy” snimljene su uživo (na koncertu – Arts4every1, High Wycombe, 21-02-2015) i najbolja su slika što Whole Lotta Led znaju i mogu. A znaju i mogu mnogo.

    Whole Lotta Led are the longest running, full-time professional tribute to Led Zeppelin. During 2012 Whole Lotta Led made significant changes to their line up and 2013 has seen them go from strength to strength with the band’s customary two and half hour shows receiving universal acclaim from Zeppelin fans the length and breadth of the UK.

    Whole Lotta Led have always avoided using wigs and costumes, instead they focus on the music and the new five-piece line-up recreates the sounds of Led Zeppelin’s original studio albums to an astonishing level of accuracy. For Whole Lotta Led it as all about celebrating the incredible music which Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham created during their illustrious career.

    All five members of Whole Lotta Led lived through the euphoric times of Led Zeppelin’s 1970’s heyday and all witnessed Led Zeppelin live, except for Martin who despite obtaining tickets to see them at Earl’s Court in 1975 couldn’t go as his mother wouldn’t let him – well he was only thirteen at the time!. Since their formation in 1996 the band have continually led the field of Zep tributes and with over 1,300 shows to their name they have performed ‘Stairway To Heaven’ more than any other band in the world – INCLUDING Led Zeppelin.

    Whole Lotta Led pioneered the concept of performing a complete album live when in 2001 they toured the UK celebrating the 30th anniversary of the release of Led Zeppelin’s classic fourth album. During their eighteen year career Whole Lotta Led have also performed Led Zeppelin I, Led Zeppelin II and Houses Of The Holy in their entirety. Since then numerous bands have followed this format.

    Whole Lotta Led were also the first tribute act to recreate some of Led Zeppelin’s legendary live shows when in 2001 they performed the ‘Bath Festival’ set, in 2003 they staged the ‘Earl’s Court’ tour, in 2005 they recreated Zep’s last shows in England with the ‘Knebworth’ set, performed the live CD ‘How The West Was Won’ in 2006 and finally in 2008 they completed the ‘2007 O2 Reunion Show’ tour.

    Each member has ‘paid their dues’ in numerous bands of many different styles throughout the years and have played and recorded with many well known names in the music business but now they have joined together to perform some of the greatest music ever written with a passion and enthusiasm that is second to none.

    The band have also been active in raising funds for The ABC Trust, a charity founded by Jimmy Page’s wife to help under privileged children in Brazil, the involvement with the charity eventually led to a meeting with Led Zeppelin’s legendary guitarist Jimmy Page who has given the band his blessing and wished them all the best.

    I had the opportunity and honor to meet with the music of the band Whole Lotta Led back in 2005, when they delivered two albums of their in order to be presented in my radio show Jeans Generation (Radio Tuzla + Internet, from 2004 to 2008). At that time I often broadcasted worldwide known tribute bands, but the Whole Lotta Led immediately left an unforgettable impression on me.

    These guys are high-level professionals, as musicians, and artistic, too. As they stated by themselves in their biography – they did not deal with the lateral effects – wigs, costumes … – all their attention and knowledge were focused on the music and its performance that has led it to the limits.

    Recently, thinking of them, searched their Facebook profile and was glad that I saw the information that the band is still operating. In mutual communication have been told that they have a new release that they immediately delivered to me (so real professionals works).

    If the goal of every tribute band is as much to sounds as their role models – then Whole Lotta Led in fact 100% managed it. All 11 compositions from the album “In The House Of The Holy” were recorded live (in concert – Arts4every1, High Wycombe, 21.feb.2015) and they are the best picture what Whole Lotta Led knows and what they can do. And they know and can do a lot.

    Members of Whole Lotta Led areGeoff Hunt (bass guitar, mandolin) ; Nick Ferris (lead guitar, acoustic guitar, theramin) ; Lee Pryor (vocal, acoustic guitar, harmonica) ; Charlie Hart (drums) ; Martin Weetman (keyboards, 2nd guitar, vocals)

    DiscographyLed Zeppelin IV 30th Anniversary Tour (CD with 12 audio tracks, 2001) ; The Bring It On Home Tour (CD with 9 audio tracks, 2002/3) ; In The House Of The Holy (CD with 11 audio tracks, 2016).

    Whole Lotta Led – “In The House Of The Holy” – 1. Good Times, Bad Times ; 2. Houses Of The Holy ; 3. Misty Mountain Hop ; 4. Your Time Is Gonna Come ; 5. The Rover ; 6. Celebration Day ; 7. How Many More Times ; 8. When The Levee Breaks ; 9. Dazed And Confused ; 10. Song Remains The Same ; 11. Whole Lotta Love

    www.wholelottaled.co.uk / www.facebook.com/WholeLottaLedUk

    Photo: Richard Olpin Photography

    YouTube – Whole Lotta Led – 2016

    YouTube – Whole Lotta Led – Live at East Grinstead

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    Dragutin Matošević
    Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
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