SAKIS DOVOLIS TRIO – Cross The Line / Grooveyard Records, 2018 / CD / blues-rock / Greece
Sakis Dovolis je blues/rock gitarist, pjevač i tekstopisac. Rođen je i odrastao u gradu Kozáni, Greece. Nesumnjivo, njegovo ime pripada popisu najboljih blues/rock gitarista na Balkanu. Sa 9 godina, Sakis je počeo svirati gitaru i krenuo na tečajeve klasične muzike. Kasnije, u dobi od 15 godina, počeo je svirati električnu gitaru. Njegov glavni utjecaj, bio je SRV (Stevie Ray Vaughan) i odveo ga je svijet bluesa. U dobi od 22 godine, Sakis je od velike Louisiane Red dobio nadimak, “grčki Stevie Ray Vaughan Jr.“. Utjecaje na Sakisa imali su i gitaristi kao što su Philip Sayce, Joe Bonamassa, Richie Kotzen, Eric Gales, Michael Landau itd.
Godine 2014., nakon sviranja sa nekoliko bendova, započeo je svoj projekt “solo-umjetnik” pod nazivom SD Power Trio, sa svojim bratom, Fotis Dovolisom na bassu i Nick Kalivasom na bubnjevima. Kombinirajući osnove bluesa s agresivnijim i modernijim zvukom, tu trojku su često nazivali heavy blues bendom. Poznati su i po svojim snažnim nastupima i visokom energetskom scenskom izgledu, elementima koji publiku u potpunosti drže zadovoljenom.
Osim nekoliko koncerata u Grčkoj, trio je nastupio na nekim od najpopularnijih EU blues festivala kao što su Suwalki Blues Festival u Poljskoj, North City Jazz & Blues Fest u Kosovskoj Mitrovici itd. Od maja 2018. godine, Sakis je član Grooveyard Records, NY, USA. Nedavno, novembra 2018. godine, objavio je svoj prvi album s Grooveyard Recordsom, pod nazivom “Cross The Line“, uz distribuciju diljem svijeta. Aprila 2019. godine, Sakis Dovolis Trio predstaviti će Grčku na European Blues Challengeu organizovanom od strane European Blues Uniona, na Azorima (Portugal).
Nekada sam do, moje pažnje vrijednih muzičara, dolazio posredstvom platforme. Danas su to Facebook i YouTube. Sretna slučajnost htjela je da “sretnem” grčkog muzičara – Sakis Dovolisa. Jedna pjesma u njegovoj interpretaciji bila je dovoljna za moju punu pažnju. Što sam ga duže slušao, njegova muzika me je sve više i više osvajala. Ovoga teksta ne bi bilo da “brat” Sakis nije bio susretlj i da mi nije dao na raspolaganje svoj debut album, “Cross The Line“.
Teško je biti i “pametniji” i “rječitiji” u opisu muzike sa ovog albuma nego što je rečeno u tekstu na web stranici njegovog izdavača – Grooveyard Records – zato ću biti slobodan da ga citiram.
“Cross The Line” je izvanredan debitantski disk sjajnog blues/rock gitariste iz Grčke. Uključuje 11 pjesama izvrsne i muzike svjetske klase, blues-bazirane, soul-snažne, heavy guitar rock trio muzike koju donosi i zasigurno će vam srušiti kuću do temelja. Sakis Dovolis je uzbudljiv, mlad i talentiran blues/rock gitarista. “Brother” Sakis je novi ‘gitarski heroj’ koji se dubokim nadahnućem i strastima oglašava na svom instrumentu, istinski se poigrava raznim stilom, klasom i dušom. Kompletna postavka Sakis Dovolis Trio je nevjerojatna ritmička sekcija – Fotis Dovolis na bass gitari i Nick Kalivasu na bubnjevima. Sva trojica su izvrsni i talentirani muzičari.
Posljednje, ali ne i manje važno, zasluge pripadaju i ‘dobrom muzičkomm bratu’, Stavrosu Papadopoulos za koprodukciju, miks i mastering albuma Sakis Dovolis Trio, “Cross The Line”. Doveo ga je do visoke razine zvučnog savršenstva u Freerock studiju u gradu Kavala, Grčka. Ako volite ozbiljan blues/rock, heavy guitar, muziku koju svira trio, ovo je CD za vas. Album se preporučuje obožavateljima Jimi Hendrixa, Stevieja Ray Vaughana, ZZ Topa, Robin Trowera, Roryja Gallaghera, Joea Bonamassa, Erica Galesa, Philipa Saycea, Lancea Lopeza, Jay Jessea Johnsona, Tonyja Spinnera, Craiga Ericksona, Bryce Janey, Alana Miritakanija (Buddaheads), Dirty Dave Osti, Vince Hawkins, Brett Ellis i ostalim predstavnicima svjetske klase zvuka heavy metal guitar ljubitelja na planeti Zemlji i dalje.“
Malo toga bih mogao dodati naprijed datom citatu – “potpisujem” svaku riječ iz datog citata. Po nebrojeni put dokazalo se da je blues/rock muzika bezgranična – kako geografski, tako i umjetnički. Muzika, uopćeno, u vlasništvo je svakog muzičara na planeti Zemlji. U pitanju je samo koliko koji muzičar ima kapaciteta dati joj svoj lični pečat. Sakis Dovolis je u tome potpuno uspio i njegovo vrijeme tek dolazi. Zapamtite njegovo ime.
Sakis Dovolis is a blues/rock guitar player, singer and songwriter, born and raised in Kozáni, Greece. Undoubtedly, his name belongs to the list with the best blues/rock guitarists in the Balkans. At the age of 9, Sakis took up his first guitar and started classical music courses. Later on, at the age of 15, he began playing electric guitar. His main influence, SRV, led him gradually to the blues world. At the age of 22, Sakis got his nickname from the great Louisiana Red, who called him “Greek Stevie Ray Vaughan Jr” and later on, by the great Greek bluesman, Nick Dounoussis. Sakis’s other influences are guitarists like Philip Sayce, Joe Bonamassa, Richie Kotzen, Eric Gales, Michael Landau etc.
On 2014, after playing with several bands, he started his “solo-artist” project named SD Power Trio with his brother, Fotis Dovolis on bass, and Nick Kalivas on drums. Combining the fundamentals of blues with a more aggressive and modern sound, the trio is often referred as a heavy blues band. They are also known for their powerful shows and high energy stage appearance, elements that keep the audiences fully satisfied.
Beside the several shows in Greece, the trio performed on some of the most popular EU blues festivals like Suwalki Blues Festival in Poland, North City Jazz & Blues Fest in Kosovska Mitrovica, etc. Since May 2018, Sakis is a member of the Grooveyard Records, NY, USA. He recently released his first album with Grooveyard Records, called, “Cross The Line“, on November 2018, worldwide. On April 2019, Sakis Dovolis Trio is going to represent Greece to the European Blues Challenge organised by European Blues Union in Azores, Portugal.
Sometimes, my attention to valuable musicians came through the platform. Today there are Facebook and YouTube. Happy coincidence wanted to “meet” the Greek musician – Sakis Dovolis. One song in his interpretation was enough for my full attention. What I’ve been listening to for a long time, his music has more and more conquered me. This text would not have been, that “brother” Sakis had not been kind and that he did not make available to me his debut album, “The Cross The Line“.
It is also difficult to be “smarter” and “more eloquent” in the description of the music from this album than it has been described in the Grooveyard Records website – so I’ll be free to quote it.
“Outstanding debut studio disc by this awesome blues/rock guitarist from Greece. Includes 11 songs of excellent, world-class, blues-based, soul-powered, heavy guitar rock power trio music that delivers and is guaranteed to rock your good jam, house down to the solid ground. Sakis Dovolis is an exciting, young talented blues/rock axeslinger who kicks serious authentic six string ass from start to finish on the amazing “Cross The Line” disc. Brother Sakis is a legit new ‘guitar hero’ who lands with deep inspiration & passion on the instrument, a true bonafide axeripper supreme who plays with style, class and soul. Completing the Sakis Dovolis Trio line-up is the amazing rhythm section of – Fotis Dovolis on bass and Nick Kalivas on drums, both excellent talented musicians who lock in and nail down the SDT groove with power, strength and excellence.“
Last but not least, heavy props and credit goes to our ‘good musical brother’ Stavros Papadopoulos for co-producing, mixing & mastering the Sakis Dovolis Trio “Cross The Line” disc to high levels of sonic perfection at Freerock Studio in Kavala City, Greece. If you dig serious blues/rock heavy guitar power trio music, you owe it to yourself to check out the Sakis Dovolis Trio “Cross The Line” disc that lands solid with musical strength between a rock and a blues place. An essential, killer blues/rock guitar disc from Grooveyard Records that is Highly Recommended to fans of Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, ZZ Top, Robin Trower, Rory Gallagher, Joe Bonamassa, Eric Gales, Philip Sayce, Lance Lopez, Jay Jesse Johnson, Tony Spinner, Craig Erickson, Bryce Janey, Alan Miritakani (Buddaheads), Dirty Dave Osti, Vince Hawkins, Brett Ellis and all other world-class heavy guitar slingers on planet Earth & beyond.“
What more can I do – I “sign” each word from above given quotation. By countless times it proved that blues/rock music is boundless – both geographically and artistically. Music, in general, is the property of every musician on planet Earth. It’s just a matter of how much a musician has the capacity to give it a personal seal. Sakis Dovolis has completely succeeded in this and his time is just to come. Remember his name.
Sakis Dovolis Trio – Sakis Dovolis (gitare/guitars, vokali/vocals) ; Fotis Dovolis (bass, prateći vokali/back vocals) ; Nick Kalivas (bubnjevi/drums)
Sakis Dovolis Trio – “Cross The Line” – 1. All over You ; 2. Come On ; 3. Everything ; 4. I’m No Angel ; 5. Cross the Line ; 6. Burn It Down ; 7. Shades of Blue ; 8. Show Me Your Love ; 9. Devil’s Road ; 10. Nasty Dogs and Funky Kings ;
11. Legacy / / /
YT – Sakis Dovolis Trio – Cross The Line
YT – Sakis Dovolis Trio – Show Me Your Love

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Dragutin Matošević
Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
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