Rag’n’Bone Man – Human (Deluxe) / Best Laid Plans, Columbia, Menart / CD, digital / hip hop, soul, blues, funk / Great Britain
Muzičar iz Velike Britanije, (umjetničkog imena) Rag’n’Bone Man, eklatantan je primjer da se velika zvijezda ne postaje “preko noći” (kako to izgleda kada se gledaju ovdašnja TV takmičenja raznih “zvijezda” i “zvijezdica“). I on je, može se nekome učiniti, nastao kao produkt jednog takvog TV talent showa, što je, donekle, i tačno, ali pozadina svega je mnogo duža.
Engleski singer-songwriter, Rag’n’Bone Man (pravim imenom Rory Charles Graham) rođen je u Uckfieldu, East Sussex, UK, 29. januara 1985. godine. Iz škole, Ringmer Community College, protjeran je, a zatim se upisao na Uckfield Community Technology College. U dobi od 15 godina postaje MC – s bubnjarskom i bass ekipom koristio je ručicu Rag ‘n’ Bonez, inspiriran gledanjem reprize britanskog sitcoma, Steptoe and Son, iz 1970-ih. Kad se preselio u Brighton, njegov prijatelj Gi3mo oformio je grupu Rum Committee i pozvao ga da joj se pridruži. Počeo je nastupiti i na Slip-jamu B, gdje je upoznao puno ljudi koji su mu pomogli da započne svoju muzičku karijeru. Sljedećih nekoliko godina, Rum Committee su bili pratnja hip hop umjetnicima – Pharoahe Monch i KRS-One u Brighton’s Concordeu 2 (izdali su svoj vlastiti album kroz Bandcamp).
Oko 2011. godine, Rory Charles Graham je počeo raditi s britanskom Hip Hop labelom High Focus, objavivši s njima brojne snimke kao što su – saradnja sa MC/producentom, Leaf Dog, “Dog ‘n Bone” (EP, 2013), kao i projekat sa MC/producentom, Dirty Dike, “Put That Soul On Me” (2014). Ubrzo nakon toga, Rory Charles Graham je počeo sarađivati sa producentom Mark Crewom, koji je u to vrijeme radio na Bastilleovom debitantskom albumu, “Bad Blood“. Godine 2013., Rory Charles Graham je potpisao ugovor s izdavačkom kućom Warner Chappell koji mu je omogućio da svoju muzičku karijeru nastavi s punim radnim vremenom.
Godine 2014., radeći u suradnji sa Mark Crewom, Rory Charles Graham je objavio EP, “Wolves” (Best Laid Plans Records), koji sadrži devet pjesama (neke su sa gostima), uključujući rappere – Vince Staples, Stig Of The Dump i Kate Tempest. Rory Charles Graham, zajedno sa Skunk Anansie, također je na Bastillovom trećem mixtapeu, VS. (The Other Heartache, Pt. III), u pjesmi “Remains“. U nastavku karijere, tokom 2015. godine, izdat je “Disfigured“, EP, koji je objavljen posredstvom Best Laid Plans Recordsa. Vodeća pjesma, “Bitter End“, bila je podržana od strane BBC Radio 1 Xtra, a dospio je i na BBC Radio 1, u “In New Music We Trust” play listu.
Njegov prvi hit singl, “Human“, objavljen je za Columbia Records, jula 2016. godine. Kao hit, dospio je na prvo mjesto službenih top lista Austrije, Njemačke, Belgije i Švicarske. Nagrađen je “zlatnim” (Gold) odličjem u Njemačkoj, Italiji, Švedskoj, Švicarskoj, Austriji, Belgiji i Nizozemskoj.
Godine 2017., pod umjetničkim imenom, Rag’n’Bone Man, proglašen je pobjednikom – British Breakthrough Act i Choice Award – na takmičenju, 2017 Brit Awards. Rag’n’Bone Man je, također, pobijedio kao – International Newcomer i International Male Artist – na takmičenju, 2017 Echo Awards u Njemačkoj.
Trenutno smo u mjesecu oktobru 2017. godine. To znači da su 3/4 2017. godine iza nas i ostala je još 1/4 vremena do 2018. godine. Već sada sam slobodan ustvrditi – Rag’n’Bone Man je za mene najveće muzičko otkriće 2017. godine, a album “Human” držim najboljim albumom 2017. godine. Sumnjam da će ih itko skinuti sa tog trona do kraja 2018. godine.
Imponira sigurnost kojom nam ovaj umjetnik predstavlja svoju muziku. Rag’n’Bone Man nije isključivi autor pjesama sa albuma “Human“, ali je supotpisnik svake od njih. To daje velikog doprinosa iskrenosti emocija koje proizilaze iz njegovog pjevanja. Sa druge strane, njegova muzika, koja je kombinacija hip hop, soul, blues, funk uticaja, veliko je osvježenje na svjetskoj muzičkoj sceni. Taj stil daje dovoljno prostora da Rag’n’Bone Man ponudi veliki dijapazon jedinstvenih pjesama koje će uvijek biti slika onoga što on istinski jeste – veliki muzičar.
Zahvalan sam renomiranoj hrvatskoj izdavačkoj kući, Menart, da mi je omogućen pristup ovom albumu. Budućnost je prilika da Rag’n’Bone Man dostigne još i veće uspjehe. On za to ima i kompetencije i znanja.
The UK’s musician, (the artist’s name) of Rag’n’Bone Man, is an astonishing example that the big star is not possible to become “overnight” (how does it looks when watching TV competitions of various “adult stars” and “kid stars“). He, too, could be considered as somebody that has emerged as a product of such a TV Talent show, which is, to some extent, the exact, but the backdrop of everything was much longer.
An English singer-songwriter, Rag’n’Bone Man (real name – Rory Charles Graham) was born in Uckfield, East Sussex, UK, on 29 January 1985. He attended the school Ringmer Community College, was expelled, and then enrolled at Uckfield Community Technology College. At the age of 15, as MC he worked with a drum and bass crew using the handle Rag ‘N’ Bonez, inspired by watching repeats of the 1970s British sitcom Steptoe and Son. When he moved to Brighton, his friend Gi3mo formed the Rum Committee and invited him to join the group as well. He started performing at Slip-jam B, where he met a lot of people who helped him to start his musical career. Over the next few years, they supported hip hop artists Pharoahe Monch and KRS-One at Brighton’s Concorde 2, and released their own album through Bandcamp.
Around 2011, Rory Charles Graham started working with UK hip hop label High Focus, releasing a number of recordings with them such as; a collaboration EP with MC/Producer Leaf Dog under the name “Dog ‘n Bone“, EP (2013) and also a project with MC/Producer Dirty Dike under the name “Put That Soul On Me” (2014). Shortly afterwards, Rory Charles Graham began to collaborate with record producer Mark Crew, who at the time was working on Bastille’s debut album “Bad Blood“. In 2013 Graham signed a publishing deal with Warner Chappell which enabled him to pursue his music career full-time.
In 2014, working in collaboration with Mark Crew, Rory Charles Graham released an EP, “Wolves” (Best Laid Plans Records), containing nine tracks with guests including rappers – Vince Staples, Stig Of The Dump and Kate Tempest. Graham, along with Skunk Anansie, also featured on Bastille‘s third mixtape, VS. (Other People’s Heartache, Pt. III), in the song “Remains“. The follow up, in 2015 was the “Disfigured“, EP, also released through Best Laid Plans Records. Lead track, “Bitter End“, was supported, then play-listed on BBC Radio 1 Xtra, and made it onto BBC Radio 1‘s “In New Music We Trust” playlist.
His first hit single, “Human“, was released on Columbia Records, in July 2016. It peaked at number one in the Official Singles Charts in Austria, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. It was certified “Gold” in Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands.
On 2017, (under artistic name) Rag’n’Bone Man, he won the British Breakthrough Act and Choice Award at the 2017 Brit Awards. Rag’n’Bone Man also won International Newcomer and International Male Artist at the 2017 Echo Awards in Germany.
We are currently in the month of October 2017. This means that 3/4 of 2017 is behind us and another 1/4 time left until 2018. I’m now free to say – Rag’n’Bone Man is for me the greatest music discovery in 2017, and the album “Human” I consider the best album in 2017. I doubt anyone in the world will remove this artist / album from this throne by the end of 2018.
Impress the security how this artist presents to his music. Rag’n’Bone Man is not the exclusive author of the songs from the album “Human“, but is the collaborator in each of them. It gives a great contribution to the sincerity of the emotions that come from his singing. On the other hand, his music, which is a combination of hip hop, soul, blues, funk influences, is a great refreshment on the world music scene. That style brings enough space to give Rag’n’Bone Man a great range of unique songs that will always be a picture of what he actually is – great musician.
I am grateful for the renowned Croatian publishing house, Menart, to have access to this album. The future is an opportunity for Rag’n’Bone Man to achieve even greater successes. He for that has competences and knowledge.
Discography – Bluestown (EP, Rumbustious Records, 2012) ; Dog ‘n’ Bone (with Leaf Dog) (EP, High Focus Records, 2013) ; Put That Soul on Me (EP, High Focus Records, 2014) ; Disfigured (EP, 2015) ; Human (Deluxe) (Album, Best Laid Plans, Columbia, Menart, 2017)
Rag’n’Bone Man – “Human” (Deluxe) – 1. Human ; 2. Innocent Man ; 3. Skin ; 4. Bitter End ; 5. Be the Man ; 6. Love You Any Less ; 7. Odetta ; 8. Grace ; 9. Ego ; 10. Arrow ; 11. As You Are ; 12. Die Easy ; 13. The Fire ; 14. Fade to Nothing ; 15. Life In Her Yet ; 16. Your Way or the Rope ; 17. Lay My Body Down ; 18. Wolves ; 19. Healed
https://www.facebook.com/ragnbonemanuk / http://www.ragnbonemanmusic.com
YT – Rag’n’Bone Man – Human
Rag’n’Bone Man – Human (Lyrics)
Maybe I’m foolish, maybe I’m blind
Thinking I can see through this and see what’s behind
Got no way to prove it so maybe I’m blind
But I’m only human after all, I’m only human after all
Don’t put your blame on me
Take a look in the mirror and what do you see
Do you see it clearer or are you deceived in what you believe
Cos I’m only human after all, you’re only human after all
Don’t put the blame on me
Don’t put your blame on me
Some people got the real problems
Some people out of luck
Some people think I can solve them
Lord heavens above
I’m only human after all, I’m only human after all
Don’t put the blame on me
Don’t put the blame on me
Don’t ask my opinion, don’t ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry, making you cry
Cos I’m only human after all, I’m only human after all
Don’t put your blame on me, don’t put the blame on me
Some people got the real problems
Some people out of luck
Some people think I can solve them
Lord heavens above
I’m only human after all, I’m only human after all
Don’t put the blame on me
Don’t put the blame on me
I’m only human I make mistakes
I’m only human that’s all it takes to put the blame on me
Don’t put your blame on me
I’m no prophet or messiah
Should go looking somewhere higher
I’m only human after all, I’m only human after all
Don’t put the blame on me, don’t put the blame on me
I’m only human I do what I can
I’m just a man, I do what I can
Don’t put the blame on me
Don’t put your blame on me
YT – Rag’n’Bone Man – Skin

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Recenzent / Reviewer:
Dragutin Matošević
Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
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