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    LELIO PADOVANI – Waves / Lelio Padovani, 2016 / CD / el. guitar based instrumental music / Italy

       Lelio Padovani je kompozitor, gitarista i učitelj sviranja gitare – Parma, Italija. Počeo je svirati razne instrumente još u ranim tinejdžerskim danima – kratko vrijeme je svirao bass gitaru i bubnjeve prije nego je izabrao gitaru za svoj glavni instrument. Strast da komponuje i snima pokazao je rano, a nakon pohađanja kursa za inžinjera zvuka u studiju “Fonoprint“, jednom od glavnih studija za snimanja u Italiji, neki od njegovih instrumentala bili su recenzirani u magazinu “Guitar World“, kao i u osvrtu Mike Varneya za “Hometown Heroes“.

    Pohađao je National Guitar Workshop u Connecticutu, U.S.A., gdje je učio od gitarista – Harry Jacobsona i Chris Amelara. Lelio je pisao za neke talijanske magazine, a uradio je intervju sa nekoliko poznatih ličnosti – John Petrucci, Marty Friedman, Stef Burns i Adrian Belew, a bio je demonstrator na mnogim masterclassima u Italiji, uključujući i one sa – Steve Morse, Jennifer Batten, Adrian Belew, Rocco Prestia, David Garibaldi, Paul Gilbert, Mike Campese i Steve Vai.

    Njegov prvi instrumentalni CD, “Unknown Evolution“, snimljen je kod njegove kuće i predstavljen na “Disma“, na glavnom muzičkom sajmu Italije, 2002. godine. Naredno izdanje bio je CD sa četiti kompozicije, a snimio ih je sa svojim bendom A2A, prograsivnim instrumentalnim trijom u kojem je on svirao bass gitaru i GR-33 synth gitaru.

    Naredni EP, “Electronic“, baziran je na soundtracku za talijansku nezavisni film “Il Solitario“, koji je bio sniman u nekoliko gradova Italije, a izdat je kao DVD. Nakon što je nagrađen na Phoenix Film Festivalu i Houston International Independent Film Festivalu, “Il Solitario” je bio nominovan za prestižne talijanske filmske nagrade – David Di Donatello i Ciak D’Oro. Uslijedio je novi soundtrack za talijanski thriller film, “La Casa Nel Vento Dei Morti“, sniman 2012. godine i izdat kao DVD.

    Lelio Padovani je direktor muzičke škole (koju je osnovao 2008. godine u svom gradu), “L’Accademia“, u Parmi, Italija, a do sada je izdao četiri albuma, dva EP-ja, ima snimak na kompilaciji i komponovao je soundtracks za dva full-length i tri short filma.

    Lelio Padovanija predstavio sam biografskim podacima (zaključno sa 2006. godinom) na web portalu Barikada – World of Music, a njegovu muziku u muzičko-informativnoj radijskoj emisji Jeans generacija – br. 87 (31.01.2006.). Oba predstavljanja desila su se 2006. godine. Lijepo je znati da je Lelio muzički još uvijek aktivan. Njegov aktuelni CD, “Waves” snimio je u svom kućnom studiju i samostalno objavio 2016. godine.

    Album ima četiri instrumentalne kompozicije, a Lelio je odsvirao sve gitare, bass gitaru, programirao klavijature i bubnjeve. Lelio ima zavidnu gitarsku tehniku, ali isto tako i mnogo je emotivnosti u zvuku njegove gitare. Muzika koju svira Lelio Padovani poput albuma je šarenih fotografija koje nas vode na daleka mjesta na kojima smo nekada bili, budi lijepa sjećanja na nezaboravne predjele i ljude koje smo voljeli, oplemenjuje našu dušu.

    Melodijske linije, srednje brz ritam, glavne su odlike muzike koju svira Lelio. Vjerujem da učenici muzičke škole, “L’Accademia“, u Parmi, sa zadovoljstvom pohađaju tu školu jer, a ako je suditi po onome što svira Lelio, oni imaju tu mnogo za naučiti.

       Lelio Padovani is a composer, guitar player and teacher from Parma, Italy. He began playing various instruments in his early teens – played briefly bass and drums before choosing the guitar as main instrument. His passion for composing and recording showed early, and after attending a sound engineering course at “Fonoprint“, one of Italy’s main recording studios, some of his instrumental tracks were reviewed on “Guitar World” and in Mike Varney’sHometown Heroes” column.

    He attended the National Guitar Workshop in Connecticut, U.S.A., where he attended classes with guitarists Harry Jacobson and Chris Amelar. He wrote for some Italian guitar mags, getting to interview John Petrucci, Marty Friedman, Stef Burns and Adrian Belew and was the interpreter to many masterclasses in Italy, including those with Steve Morse, Jennifer Batten, Adrian Belew, Rocco Prestia, David Garibaldi, Paul Gilbert, Mike Campese and Steve Vai.

    His first instrumental CD, “Unknown Evolution“, was recorded at his home studio and presented at “Disma“, the main music trade fair in Italy, in 2002. The following release was a four-song CD for his band A2A, a progressive instrumental trio where he also played bass and a GR-33 synth guitar.

    The following “Electronic” EP was based on the soundtrack Padovani wrote for the Italian independent movie “Il Solitario“, screened in several cities around the country and released in Italy on DVD. After winning awards at was nominated for the prestigious David Di Donatello and Ciak D’Oro Italian movie awards. This was followed by another soundtrack for the Italian thriller movie “La Casa Nel Vento Dei Morti“, screened nationwide in 2012 and released on DVD.

    Lelio Padovani is the Director of music school (he founded in 2008 in his hometown), “L’Accademia“, in Parma, Italy, and has recently released a new instrumental EP, “Waves“. To date, Lelio Padovani has released four albums, two EPs, had a track on a compilation and composed two full-length and three short movies soundtracks.

    Lelio Padovani was presented with his biographical data on the web site Barikada – World of Music, and his music was presented on music and informative radio show – Jeans generation – no. 87 (31.01.2006.). Both presentations occurred in 2006. Nice to know that the Lelio is still musically active. His current CD, “Waves“, he recorded in his home studio and self-published in 2016.

    The album features four instrumental compositions, and Lelio has played all the guitars, bass guitar, programmed keyboards and drums. Lelio has an enviable guitar technique, but also a lot of emotions in the sound of his guitar. Music played by Lelio Padovani is like photo-book with colorful pictures that lead us to faraway places where we used to be, wake up a beautiful memories of the unforgettable landscapes and people we loved, refines our soul.

    Melodic line, medium-fast pace, the main characteristics are of the music played by Lelio. I believe that the students of the music school, “L’Accademia“, in Parma, are pleased to attend the school because, to judge by what is playing Lelio, they have there so much to learn.

    Discography: Unknown Evolution (Album, 2002) ; A2A – EP (2003) ; The Big Picture (Album, 2005) ; Chasing The Muse (Album, 2007) ; Il Solitario (Soundtrack, 2008) ; Mia Diletta (Soundtrack, short movie, 2009) ; Electronic (EP, 2010) ; La Casa Nel Vento Dei Morti (Soundtrack, 2012) ; Le Combat De Boxe (Soundtrack, short movie, 2014) ; Inverse Midas (cover, released on English compilation “We’re in all this together“, 2014) ; Les Aventures Du Baron Du Crac (Soundtrack, short movie, 2016) ; Waves (Album, 2016).

    Lelio Padovani – “Waves” – 1. Time Traveller ; 2. Siren Song ; 3. Sunday ; 4. Waves

    Vezani link – Lelio Padovani – Biography (till 2006)

    Vezani link – Jeans generacija (music show) + Lelio Padovani

    soundcloud.com/lelio-padovani / www.facebook.com/leliopadovaniofficial / www.youtube.com/user/leliopadovani / www.leliopadovani.com

    YouTube – Lelio Padovani – OpenDay (2014)

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    Dragutin Matošević
    Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
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