GUSGUS – Nastup u Zagrebu (Foto raport: Bernarda Buden)
Fotografija je, uglavnom, bila muška zanimacija. U zadnje vrijeme, sve više i više žena poseže za kamerom i fotografiše važne događaje / ljude iz javnog posla. Među njima je i mlada Bernarda Buden iz Zagreba. Fotografijom se ozbiljnije bavi tek koju godinu, a kako je krenula, postat će prepoznatljivo ime u toj oblasti ljudske djelatnosti. U nastavku – nekoliko slika sa nedavnog koncerta u Zagrebu kojem je Bernarda prisustvovala.
Vezani link – Bernarda Buden – Facebook profile
GusGus was initially formed in 1995 as a film/music collective. This spawned a short film and a critically acclaimed best selling album in Iceland. After striking a deal with 4AD in 1996 they became one of the most sought after electronic music acts out of Iceland. With the release of Polydistortion (4AD/Warner) in 1997, GusGus solidified their worldwide status to sold-out shows all over the world.
GusGus has had a span of nearly two decades in which they have done nearly every style of electronic influenced music. From techno to trip-hop, from house to progressive house/trance to pop, this collective has made each style their own. The current line up consists of founding members: Biggi Veira and Daníel Ágúst.
U Tvornici kulture, Zagreb, 06-12-2017 – GuGus su nastupili u postavi – Daniel Ágúst Haraldsson i Birgir Þórarinsson.
Diskografija – Gus Gus (Kjól & Anderson, 1995) ; Polydistortion (4AD, 1997) ; This Is Normal (4AD, 1999) ; Alfred More, Gusgus (Promo, Not On Label, 1999) ; This Is Normal (CDr, Promo, Warner Bros. Records, 1999) ; Gusgus, T-World – GusGus vs. T-World (4AD, 2000) ; Attention (Underwater Records, 2002) ; Forever (Pineapple Records, 2007) ; 24/7 (Kompakt, 2009) ; Arabian Horse (Kompakt, 2011) ; Mexico (Kompakt, 2014) – Izvor informacija – Wikipedia /
YT – GusGus – Featherlight
Koncert GusGus – Tvornica kulture, Zagreb – 06-12-2017 –
Foto galerija sa zagrebačkog koncerta – Fotografije: Bernarda Buden