DETOUR 33 – Tamed By Fear / Humu Records, 2017 / CD, Digital / instrumental / Finland
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Detour 33 je finska grupa (Kuopio, Finska) i ugovor o izdavanju debut CD-a potpisala je sa Humu Records. Debitantski studijski album, “Tamed by Fear“, planiran je za objavu 24. februara 2017. godine. Album je kolekcija muzikom ispunjene drame, film noira, kao i nostalgičnih scena finskog ljeta.
Detour 33 je naziv ceste, a priča počinje susretom trojice gitarista na njenom križanju. Markus Väisänen ima izuzetnu sposobnost da svira najdelikatnije tonove, nježno izmjenjuje slike i šaputanja uma. Njegova muzička paleta kombinira finsku melodijsku baštinu i Americanu. Väisänen je počeo komponovati ovaj materijala još dok je svirao sa svom prethodnom grupom, Taipale. Sada, u grupi Detour 33, pronašao je dostojnog saradnika, Juuso Kolho. “Sveto Trojstvo” je kompletirao Jarkka Rissanen, umjetnik čije kompozicije vas vode na sadržajno i raznobojno putovanje kroz Finsku.
Grupa Detour 33 osnovana je 2013. godine. Väisänen je radio na svom solo albumu, a kad je čuo kako Kolho svira sa svojim bivšim, Kim Curly Bandom, zamolio ga je da mu se pridruži. “U početku smo muziku pravili iz dva mjesta – jedno je bilo Kuopio (Finska), a drugo u Australiji. Između nas je bio okean i temperaturna razlika veća od 70° C. Radio sam na pjesmama u zimskom periodu Sjeverne Savo, dok je Juuso, osjećajući jaku nostalgiju, svoj dio posla odradio u žarenoj klimi Zapade Australije“, pojašnjava Väisänen ranu fazu rada ove grupe.
Bubnjar, Janne Mathlin, pridružio se grupi. On je zajedno sa Väisänenom svirao više od deset godina i to u različitim projektima. Legendarni finski gitarist, Jarkka Rissanen, također im se pridružio u pripremnoj fazi rada na albumu i imao je značajan utjecaj na konačni rezultat. Album izlazi na tržište 24. februara 2017. godine, na CD-u ili u digitalnom obliku putem Humu Records.
Članovi grupe Detour 33 su – Juuso Kolho (gitara, akustična gitara, bass gitara) ; Jarkka Rissanen (gitara, slide gitara, perkusije, zvončići) ; Markus Väisänen (gitara) ; Janne Mathlin (bubnjevi).
Do albuma ove finske grupe došao sam zahvaljujući agilnosti njihove izdavačke kuće – Humu Records – koja je našla (nekog) svog interesa promovirati ovo izdanje ljubitaljima muzika iz našeg regiona. Možda je to mala šansa za njih, polučiti neki veći dobitak, ali sam odavno tvrdio, a tvrdim i danas – tko propušta male šanse, propustit će i (neku) veliku.
Album je instrumentalni i ima 7 autorskih kompozicija članova grupe. Njihova muzika je smirene atmosfere, senzibilna i ekspresivna. Emocije koje nam prenose su smirujuće i opuštajuće. To je tako dobrodošlo u ovom uzavrelom vremenskom trenutku kojim smo okruženi.
Gitara svirana na razne načine – akustična, električna – vodeći je instrument, a – bass gitara i bubnjevi grade ritam ovim kompozicijama. Gitarski stil je bogat eho i vibrato efektima i pomalo “vuče” na surf. To je pozitivan faktor koji gradi relaksirajuću atmosferu ovih kompozicija.
Uz gore navedena četiri muzičara, treba pomenuti još dvojicu – Aquila Ferreira (bass gitara) Olli Puolakka (bass gitara) – koji su sviranjem svojih instrumenata, u par pjesama, svakako dali doprinosa ukupno dobrom rezultatu. U promo materijal uz ovo izdanje piše da je na njihovu muziku uticaja imalo muzičko nasljeđe Finske. Malo o tome znam i ne preostaje mi ništa drugo nego im vjerovati na riječ.
Nadam se da će ova muzika imati lijepog odjeka u programima radijskih emisija – nekako mi zvuči da je pravljena upravo za to svrhu. U svakom slučaju, ovo je muzika vrijedna slušanja.
– Detour 33 (from Kuopio, Finland) has signed to Humu Records. The group’s debut studio album, “Tamed by Fear“, is set to be released on February 24th 2017. The album is a collection of musically filled murky crime drama, Film noir, as well as nostalgic scenes of the Finnish summer.
Detour 33 is a road, and its story begins from the crossroad of three guitarists. Markus Väisänen has an exceptional ability to play the most delicate tones, to gently lift and descent the images and whispers of the mind. His musical palette combines our own Finnish melodic heritage and Americana. Väisänen started composing the material with his previous group Taipale. Now in Detour 33 the material has found a worthy co-painter from Juuso Kolho. The holy trinity is completed with Jarkka Rissanen, an artist who has made an eventful and colorful journey as a Finnish songwriter.
The band was formed in 2013. Väisänen was working on his solo album and when he heard Kolho play with his former group, Kim Curly Band, he asked him to join him. “At the beginning we made music from Kuopio to Australia, the ocean and more than 155 degree (70C) temperature difference between us. I was working on the songs in the winter of North Savo whereas Juuso, feeling awfully home-sick, was doing his part in the heat of Western Australia“, Väisänen tells about the early stages of the band.
Drummer, Janne Mathlin, joined the band. He had been playing with Väisänen for more than ten years in different projects. The legendary Finnish guitarist, Jarkka Rissanen, also joined in the preproduction stage of the album, and had a significant impact to the result. The album is out February 24th, 2017 on CD and digital formats via Humu Records.
Detour 33‘s band members are – Juuso Kolho (accoustic guitar, guitar, bass guitar) ; Jarkka Rissanen (guitar, slide guitar, percussion, glockenspiel) ; Markus Väisänen (guitar) ; Janne Mathlin (drums)
This album of Finnish group Detour 33, came to me thanks to the agility of their publishing house – Humu Records – which is found (a) their interest to promote this issue to the people enjoying the music from our region. Maybe it’s a small chance for them to achieve a higher gain, but I have long time argued, even and now – who missed little chance, will miss and (a) great one.
The album is instrumental and has seven original compositions of the group members. Their music is a calm atmosphere, sensitive and expressive. Emotions that we convey are calming and relaxing. It was so welcome in this boiling point in time in which we are surrounded.
Guitar played at a variety of ways – acoustic, electric – as leading instruments, and bass guitar plus drums build rhythm for these compositions. Guitar style is rich with echo and vibrato effects and a little bit “pull” to the surf. This is a positive factor that builds the relaxing atmosphere of these compositions.
In addition to the above four musicians, I should mention two more – Aquila Ferreira (bass guitar), Olli Puolakka (bass guitar) – who are playing their instruments, in a couple of songs, they certainly gave the contribution for the ultimate good results. In promotional material to this edition, someone stated that the impact to their music had a musical heritage of Finland. Few I know about it and I am left with nothing but their word on that.
I hope that this music will have a beautiful reverb in programs of various radio shows – this is sort of sounds that was made just for this purpose. In any case, this is music worth of listening to.
Detour 33 – “Tamed By Fear” – 1. Back Home ; 2. Ballad of a Stabbed Girl ; 3. Drifters Waltz ; 4. Sleeping with .44 ; 5. The Barn ; 6. Tamed by Fear ; 7. Royal Sorrow / /
YouTube – Detour 33 – Back Home

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Recenzent / Reviewer:
Dragutin Matošević
Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
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