D2 – Phoenix / D2 Group Ltd., 2014 / CD / rock / Bugarska
D2 je rock bend iz Sofije, Bugarska. Spada u sam vrh bugarske rock scene. Dokaz tome su i nastupi (support act) na koncertima / festivalima uz slijedeće svjetske bendove: Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Guns’N’Roses, Editors, Gorrilaz Sound System, Serj Tankjan, Grandmaster Flash, Prodigy, Muse, Testament, Venom, Faith No More, NIN, Linkin Park, Janes Addiction, Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight, Kosheen, Asian Dub Foundation, Sisters of Mercy, Marilyn Manson, Pink, Kasabian… i tako unedogled.
Naravno, za svoj rad primili su i mnogobrojne nagrade – evo ih nekoliko – “Band of the year” (2000), “Band of the year” i “Best live performing band” (2001), “Original music” (2002), “Band of the year” (2002), “Band of the year” (2006), “Rock Album of the year” (album “6”), “Song of the year” (“Here and Now”) – 2006. godine…
Prvi album benda D2, “Ledeno momiche” (Ice Girl), izdat je 2000. godine i najprodavaniji je u Bugarskoj u periodu od zadnjih 20 godina – prodan je u više od 100 000 kopija. Još jedan album benda D2, “6”, iz 2006. godine, prodan je (do decembra 2008. godine) u više od 85 000 kopija. Novi album benda D2, “Phoenix”, izdat je 28. marta 2014. godine. D2 su snimili i soundtrack za zadnji film holivudske akcione zvijezde – Dolph Lundgrena (“Command Performance”).
D2 su: Dimitar Karnev – gitara ; Deyan Kamenov – vokali ; Alexander Obretenov – bass ; Vassil Voutev – bubnjevi.
Zamolio sam poznatog bugarskog novinara, urednika nekoliko radijskih i TV muzičkih emisija, Vaska Gromkova, da mi predloži za upoznavanje neki dobar bugarski rock bend – bez razmišljanja mi je rekao tri imena – jedno od njih je bend D2. Stupio sam u kontakt sa njima i ubrzo – na raspolaganju sam imao
njihov press materijal, kao i muziku sa njihovog najnovijeg albuma, “Phoenix”.
Bogato muzičko iskustvo, kao i širina muzičkog izražaja – glavne su odlike ovog benda. D2 pjevaju i na bugarskom i na engleskom jeziku. Muzički, oslanjaju se na čisti rock zvuk zasnovan na riffu i na višeglasnom pjevanju. Dinamički – pjesme su im različite – što im daje potrebnu raznovrsnost.
Pjesme na albumu “Phoenix”, očito je, namijenjene su radijskom emitovanju, moglo bi se reći da su AOR orijentirane, ali nisu banalne. D2 se drže visokih umjetničkih standarda i ne idu ispod visoko podignute ljestvice.
Drago mi je da sam dobio priliku detaljnije upoznati bend D2. I ovim albumom, potvrdili su da naprijed izneseni uspjesi i nagrade nisu došli slučajno.
D2 is a rock band from Sofia, Bulgaria. It belongs to the very top of the Bulgarian rock scene. The proof for it is that theu were supporting act on concerts / festivals for the following worldwide known bands: Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Guns N ‘Roses, Editors, Gorrilaz Sound System, Serj Tankjan, Grandmaster Flash, The Prodigy, Muse, Testament, Venom, Faith No More, NIN, Linkin Park, Janes Addiction, Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight, Kosheen, Asian Dub Foundation, Sisters of Mercy, Marilyn Manson, Pink, Kasabian and … so indefinitely.
Of course, for his work they received numerous awards – here are a few of them – “Band of the Year” (2000), “Band of the Year” and “Best live band performing” (2001), “Original Music” (2002), “Band of the Year” (2002), “Band of the Year” (2006), “Rock Album of the Year” (album “6”), “Song of the Year” (“Here and Now”) – 2006…
The first album of the band D2, “Ice momiche” (Ice Girl), was released in 2000 and was the best selling in Bulgaria in the period of last 20 years – has sold in more than 100,000 copies. Another album of the band D2, “6”, from 2006, was sold (till December 2008) in more than 85,000 copies. The new album of the band D2, “Phoenix” have been issued on 28 March 2014. D2 also recorded the soundtrack for the last movie of Hollywood action movies star – Dolph Lundgren (“Command Performance”).
D2 are – Dimitar Karnev – guitar ; Deyan Kamenov – vocals ; Alexander Obretenov – bass ; Vassil Voutev – drums
I asked the famous Bulgarian journalist, editor of several radio and TV music shows, Vasko Gromkov, that he introduce to me some good Bulgarian rock bands – without much thinking, he told me for three names – one of them was band D2. I got in touch with them and soon – available I had their press material, as well as music from their latest album, “Phoenix”.
The rich musical experience, as well as the breadth of musical expression – are the main characteristics of this band. D2 sing in Bulgarian and in English. Music, rely to the pure rock sound based on the riffs and the multi-voiced singing. Dynamically – the songs are different – giving them the necessary diversity.
The songs on the album “Phoenix”, obviously, intended for radio broadcasting, one might say that they are AOR-oriented, but not banal. D2 held high artistic standards and do not go below the raised high scale.
I’m glad I got a chance to meet the band D2 in more detailed way. And this album confirmed that the above listed successes and awards did not come to them by accidence.
D2 – “Phoenix” – 1. Intro ; 2. Phoenix ; 3. Predi ; 4. Sex, Lies & Music (Unplugged) ; 5. V Sunia (Cherry Tree) ; 6. Gone Now ; 7. Brand New Scar ; 8. Black Morning ; 9. Deadman ; 10. Kraiat na Liatoto ; 11. Ti izbirash (U Choose) ; 12 Breakdown ; 13. I az moga ft. Slash ; 14. S teb nauchih kak ft. Maria Ilieva ; 15. Phoenix (Chicho Krasi Remix) ; 16. Outro
www.d2band.com / www.facebook.com/D2BAND
YouTube – D2 – Sex, Lies & Music
YouTube – D2 – Phoenix (DJ Kraxx Remix)

Dragutin Matošević
II Tuzlanske brigade 15
75000 Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina