ANDRES ROOTS & RAUL TEREP – Winter Is Coming / Roots Art Records, 2015 / EP CD / blues / Estonia
Svi oni koji malo redovitije prate Barikadu, već su imali prilike susretati se napisima o blues muzičaru iz Estonija, o Andres Rootsu. Nekada je bio predvodnik blues benda Bullfrog Brown, kasnije i blues benda Roundabout. Zadnjih godina, počevši februara 2004. godine, započinje saradnju sa bubnjarem, Raul Terepom. Sami ili uz još po kojeg gostujućeg muzičara pronose blues zvuke širom Estonije, pa i Europe.
Diskografija mu je veoma bogata, a trenutno je aktuelan EP CD, “Winter Is Coming”, sa 4 kompozicije – dvije pjevane, a dvije instrumentalne. Andres Roots i Raul Terep zadržali visok kvalitet sviranja i pomno odabiru materijala koji će izvesti. Radi se o širokom dijapazonu blues podvrsta. U svakoj od njih Roots & Terep su odlični. Teško da bi itko rekao da nisu odrasli na samom izvorištu muzike koju sviraju – u Americi.
Andres Roots i Raul Terep ni izbliza nisu završili svoju muzičku priču. Imaju oni još mnogo toga za pokazati, za obradovati sve one koji ih godinama prate i vole. Ono najbolje tek će doći. Barikada će biti tu da ih u tome i nadalje podržava.
All those who follow Barikada on more regular basis, already had an opportunity to meet the writings about blues musician from Estonia, on Andres Roots. He used to be the leader of the blues band Bullfrog Brown, and later he led blues band Roundabout. In recent years, since February 2004, started his cooperation with drummer, Raul Terep. These two musicians, alone or with another guest musicians, they put away the blues sounds throughout Estonia, as well as Europe.
Already rich discography is now even richer. They issued EP CD, “Winter Is Coming”, with 4 compositions – two vocal, and two instrumental. This issue will be available only on gigs of these gentlemen. Andres Roots and Raul Terep maintain the high quality of playing and they carefully select materials that will perform. It is a wide range of blues subspecies. In each of these Roots & Terep are excellent. Hardly anyone would say they are not born at the source of the music they play – in America.
Andres Roots and Raul Terep not even close to finished their musical story. They have so much more to show, to delight all those who accompany them for years and love it. The best is yet to come. Barikada will be there to supports them.
Andres Roots & Raul Terep (feat. Bert Delvert & Mikk Trammepold) – “Winter Is Coming” – 1. Winter Blues ; 2. Spanish Run ; 3. All In The Cards ; 4. Tea For Alex /
YouTube – Andres Roots & Raul Terep – Andres Roots & Raul Terep “Tea For Alex”

Dragutin Matošević
II Tuzlanske brigade 15
75000 Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina