AENEMICA – Empty Inside / Phonector, 2014 / EP CD / melodic alternative and progressive rock / Germany
The German band Aenemica was founded in October 2012. Before forming this band, all band members already played in several various bands. Due to the reach and various musical experiences, they decided to join in order to create a more flexible, tuneful and interesting style of music. Therefore, there are a wide-ranging influences of musical styles and sounds in their music. Soulful vocals and lyrics, should consciously arouse feelings in the listener. Album, “Empty Inside” is their first release.
Aenemica band members are – Daniel Stendera – lead vocals ; David Vemmer – rhytm guitar ; Fabio Alessio – lead guitar ; Dima Friesen – bass guitar ; John Sternberg – drums.
Feelings such as fear, pain, anxiety, sadness, loneliness, mental emptiness … are the main backbone of the texts of the songs on the album, and appropriate is the name of album, “Empty Inside”, too. Adequate to these feelings is the music on the album – strictly in the service of the lyrics. The members of the German band Aenemica, successfully cope with these not-so-easy task – faithfully to transfer their feelings. It is possible thanks to its rich former music-playing experiences.
Because of its gloomy atmosphere, the album is hard to be listened to. If you are looking for entertainment in music, bypass this album. If you are looking a bit more from the music – emotions, excellent interpretations, dedications – you are definitely in a good place.
Njemački bend Aenemica osnovan je oktobra 2012. godine. Prije njegovog formiranja, svi članovi su već svirali u raznim bendovima. Imajući bogata i razna iskustva, odlučili su da se udruže i da kreiraju fleksibilniji, melodičniji i interesantniji muzički stil. Time se muzički stilovi širokog spektra i osjećaju u njihovoj muzici. Osjećajni vokal i tekstovi, svjesno su rađeni da pobude emocije kod slušatelja. Album, “Empty Inside”, njihovo je prvo izdanje.
Aenemica su – Daniel Stendera – vodeći vokali ; David Vemmer – ritam gitara ; Fabio Alessio – vodeća gitara ; Dima Friesen – bass gitara ; John Sternberg – bubnjevi.
Osjećanja kao što su strah, bol, tjeskoba, tuga, usamljenost, duševna praznina… glavna su okosnica tekstova pjesama na albumu, primjerenog mu i naziva, “Empty Inside”. Adekvatna tim osjećanjima je i muzika na albumu – strogo je u službi ispjevanog teksta. Članovi njemačkog benda Aenemica, uspješno se nose sa tim ne tako lakim zadatkom – vjerno nam dočaravaju svoje osjećaje. To mogu zahvaliti svom bogatom pređašnjem sviračkom iskustvu.
Upravo zbog svoje tmurne atmosfere, album je težak za slušanje. Ako od muzike tražite zabavu, zaobiđite ovaj album. Ako od muzike tražite nešto više – emociju, odličnu interpretaciju, posvećenost ideji – na dobrom ste mjestu.
Aenemica – “Empty Inside” – 1. Echoes ; 2. Aenemic ; 3. Empty Inside ; 4. Last Goodbye ; 5. Same Old Story ; 6. Beautiful Lie PT. 1 ; 7. Beautiful Lie PT. 2 /
YouTube – Aenemica – Empty Inside