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    VOLKWIN – Mit anderen Augen

    VOLKWIN – Mit anderen Augen

    VOLKWIN – Mit anderen Augen / Volkwino Music, 2016 / CD / pop, rock, singer – songwriter / Germany

    U priodu od 01.06.2004. (001) do 25.03.2008. (197) uređivao sam i vodio serijal muzičko-informativnih radijskih emisija – Jeans generacija – emitovanih svakog utorka putem talasa Radio Tuzle i direktnim Internet prenosom. Sve u svemu – u tih 197 radijskih emisija serijala Jeans generacija – predstavio sam više od 2,000 raznih solista / bendova iz cijelog svijeta. Danas, sa ove vremenske distance, mogu reći da su neki od predstavljenih muzičara u međuvremenu umrli, nekima muzika više nije primarni životni interes, a neki su i danas postojano na braniku dobre muzike. Jedan od onih koji ne odustaju je i čovjek o kojem danas pišem – Volkwin (Müller).

    Muzika koju svira Volkwin (Müller) predstavljena je u radijskoj emisiji serijala Jeans generacija, kao i na web portalu Barikada – World of MusicVolkwin Müller – Presentation.

    Volkwin Mrüller je njemački singer / songwriter. Eksponirao se u raznim muzičkim pravcima, a najčešće su to bili pop, rock i jazz. Nastupa, uglavnom, po njemačkim klubovima, a vidjela ga je i publika iz Švicarske i Francuske. Omote za njegove albume često mu radi Klaus Voormann (tvorac legendarnog i Grammy nagradom – 1967. godine – nagrađenog omota za album “Revolver“, grupe The Beatles).

    Volkwin nastupa i snima solo albume, radi u duetu (sa gitaristom i producentom, Uli Kringlerom) ili uz pratnju benda Komplizen.

    Probrana diskografija – Volkwin Müller – Unterwegs (2000) ; Volkwin & Co. – Signale (2005) ; Volkwin & Co. LiveLuft Zum Leben (Double CD, 2009) ; Volkwin Müller & Verstärkung – Ich gebe Dir den Tipp (Maxi-CD, 2010) ; Volkwin Müller & Friends – Strawberry Songs (2012) : Volkwin – Die frühen Jahre (2015) ; Volkwin – Mit anderen Augen (2016)

    Volkwin je često poređen sa američkim autorom – Bob Dylanom. On to i ne krije, ali Volkwin se odavno odmakao od stadija da bude njegova europska kopija. Volkwin je izgradio svoj vlastiti muzički izričaj zasnovan na čistom melodičnom vokalu i jednostavnoj gitarskoj pratnji, sve upotpunjeno bogatim multiinstrumentalnim aranžmanima u pozadini zvučne slike. Volkwin pjeva o ljubavi, drugarstvu, ali i o lijepim prošlim vremenima, prohujalim, koja sa sjetom žive u našim lijepim sjećanjima.

    Htio bih pohvaliti Volkwinovu briljantnu dikciju. Uz malo poznavanja njemačkog jezika, jer on pjeva na tom jeziku, skoro da i možete razumjeti o čemu pjeva. Ispravna dikcija – tu koplja lome mnogi današnji pjevači. Posljedica je to “kućnog rada” – bez da se ima stručnjak za dikciju pored sebe koji će ispraviti svaku uočenu grešku.

    Pjesme sa albuma “Mit anderen Augen” su redom nježne i melodične, al nisu banalne. Uočljivo je da su rezultat studioznog rada. Sublimiraju sve što dobra kompozicija treba da ima – lijep tekst, lijepu melodiju, lijep aranžman i profesionalnu pratnju. Pored Volkwina, doprinosa u nastajanju ovog albuma dali su i: Uli Kringler (el. gitara, prkusije, Dobro, programiranje…) ; Lars Hansen (bass gitara) : Heinz Lichius (bubnjevi) ; Matze Klopper (klavir, orgulje, Moog, synthesizer) ; Juliana Dawson (Harp) ; Fontaine Burnett (prateći vokal) ; Hanna Prins (prateći vokal) ; Susanne Schott (čelo) ; Julia Orlova (viola). Artwork potpisuje već pomenuti Klaus Voormann.  Producent je Uli Kringler. Odlična ekipa = odličan proizvod.

    Volkwin je veliki profesionalac. Kako je još 2008. godine bez mnogo razmišljanja pozitivno reagovao na moj poziv da ga predstavim u medijima koja su mi tada bila na raspolaganju (web portal Barikada – World of Music + The Jeans Generation radio show), tako je i sada promtno reagovao dostavljajući mi kompletam promo materijal vezan za njegov muzički rad. Takav umjetnik samo i uspijeva na pravi način doći do onih koji će zavoljeti njegov rad. Dajte mu šansu – poslušajte njegove pjesme – vjerujem da ćete ga i vi zavoljeti i nadalje slušati muziku ovog umjetnika.

    Volkwin - CD
    In the period since June 1, 2004 (001) up to March 25, 2008 (197) edited and led by himself a series of music and news radio shows – The Jeans Generation – broadcasted every Tuesday through waves of Radio Tuzla and direct Internet transmission. All in all – in these 197 radio shows of mentioned Jeans Generation – I introduced more than 2,000 different soloists / bands from around the world. Today, with hindsight, I can say that some of the featured musicians in the meantime died, for some of them the music is no longer the primary life interests, and some are still resistant to the bumper of good music. One of those who do not give up is the man about which I’m writing today – Volkwin (Müller).

    Music played by Volkwin (Müller) was presented in the radio show Jeans generation, as well as on the web portal Barikada – World of MusicVolkwin Müller – Presentation.

    Volkwin Mrüller is German singer / songwriter. Exposes a variety of musical genres, but mostly it was the pop, rock and jazz. He performs, mainly, in the German clubs, and the audience from Switzerland and France saw him, too. Covers for his albums oftenly are made by Klaus Voormann (creator of the legendary and Grammy awarded – in 1967 – the cover of the album “Revolver“, by The Beatles).

    Volkwin performed and recorded solo albums, he played and recorded in duet (with guitarist and producer, Uli Kringler) or accompanied by a band Komplizen.

    Exquisite discography – Volkwin Müller – Unterwegs (2000); Volkwin & Co. – Signals (2005); Volkwin & Co. Live – Luft Zum Leben (Double CD, 2009); Volkwin Müller & Verstärkung – Ich gebe Dir den Tipp (Maxi-CD, 2010); Volkwin Müller & Friends – Strawberry Songs (2012): Volkwin – Die frühen Years (2015); Volkwin – Mit anderen Augen (2016)

    Volkwin is often compared to the American author – Bob Dylan. He does not hide it, but Volkwin the long ago departed from the stage to be his European copy. Volkwin built his own musical expression based on clean melodic vocals and simple guitar support, all complemented by a rich multiinstrumentalnim arrangements in the background of sound image. Volkwin sings about love, companionship, and the beautiful times past, bygone, which wistfully live in our beautiful memories.

    I would like to commend Volkwin’s brilliant diction. With a little knowledge of the German language, because he sings in this language, you can easily understand what he is singing. Correct diction – that caused conflict in many songs of today’s singers. The consequence of this is the “home work” – without to having a specialist for diction next to you in order to correct any perceived error.

    Songs from the album “Mit anderen Augen” are all soft and melodic, but not banal. It is obvious that they are result of studious work. They sublimate everything good composition should have – a nice text, a beautiful melody, beautiful arrangement and a professional instrumental support. Besides Volkwin, contribution to the formation of this album has been given by: Uli Kringler (el. guitar, percussion, Dobro, programming, …) ; Lars Hansen (bass guitar) ; Heinz Lichius (drums) ; Matze Klopper (piano, organ, Moog, synthesizer) ; Julian Dawson (Harp) ; Fontaine Burnett (background vocals) ; Hanna Prins (background vocals) ; Susanne Schott (cello) ; Julia Orlova (viola). Artwork signed already mentioned Klaus Voormann. Produced by Uli Kringler. Excellent team = great product.

    Volkwin is a great professional. As in Year 2008 without much thinking, positively responded to my call to introduce him to the media that were on that time at my disposal (web portal Barikada – World of Music + The Jeans Generation radio show), so it is now the case that he immediately responded by delivering to me the set of promotional material related to his recent musical work. Such an artist and succeeds in the right way to reach those who will love his work. Give him a chance – listen to his songs – I believe you will love them and you will continue to listen the music of this man.

    Volkwin – “Mit anderen Augen” – 1. Solidarität ; 2. Es ist vorbei ; 3. Du willst es haben ; 4. Es bleibt in Deinem Herzen ; 5. Irgendwas ist hier geschehe ; 6. Wenn Engel fliege ; 7. Jeder ; 8. Du wirst Dich noch wundern ; 9. Vater und Sohn ; 10. Wenn Du Dein Lied einfaengst ; 11. Wenn einer geht ; 12. Nehmen kann Euch niemand mehr

    Photo: Marina Körnchen

    www.facebook.com/Volkwin-Müller-143930572342659 / www.volkwin.de

    YouTube – VOLKWIN & Komplizen – “Du willst es haben”

    YouTube – VOLKWIN & Komplizen – Es bleibt in Deinem Herzen

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    Dragutin Matošević
    Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
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